So, we have some news! We are pregnant! 9 1/2 weeks! Due February 6, 2010! We are very excited!
If you'll excuse me, this is my online journal and I am gonna record what happened, so if you don't want to read any more that's fine!!! Just be sure to scroll to the bottom to see the pictures!!
So, through a series of very special and sacred events, we decided it was time to start our family...much earlier than originally planned!! Tom was nervous, he wanted to make sure he could financially be able to take care of a child and he wanted to be as good a dad to his kids as his was to him and his sister Melinda. I personally believe he has nothing to worry about cause he's gonna be a great dad! We had my IUD taken out in November 2008 and we actually started trying for the pregnancy in January 2009 on our anniversary vacation! Tom thought that would make it extra special to start trying then, and he was right! It did! There were many negative pregnancy tests and lots of tears from me, but in my head I knew we had not been trying that long! I told myself I needed to enjoy this time with my wonderful husband and I did! I stopped worrying about taking tests and just lived. It helped that my brother, Kyle was getting home from his mission his and Jane's wedding was not too far away. It took my mind off the waiting cause I had so many great things going on in my life!!
Then my mother-in-law and sister-in-law were looking at tickets to Australia and found them at a very reasonable price!! We all jumped at the opportunity and booked our flights! We are very excited about this trip!! We decided that we would not prevent anything, but would not be so upset if we did not get pregnant until after the trip. (However, just as a side note, when we bought the tickets was about the time when we think we actually got pregnant!!)
At the end of May, first of June I had 2 people I am close to announce their pregnancy! We went to Kyle and Jane's wedding and came home and on the way, some other people VERY close to us told us they were pregnant! I was soooo happy for them, but after we left their house, Tom pulled the car over and let me cry on his shoulder! I felt so bad for crying and told Tom it was not that I wasn't happy for them, I was just trying so hard to be patient(I had been told in a blessing that I needed to be patient) and it was just hard to hear from someone else that they are and we still aren't! He was so sweet and told me I was okay to cry and he understood and the Lord understood! He took me to dinner in Beaver and he was curiously asking when my last "time of the month" was. I told him it was a few days earlier, but it was really wierd. It only lasted for a very short time, and was not enough like a normal period! I just told him that I thought it was the stress of the wedding that was making it wierd! Tom started to get really quiet though and asked if I should take another test! I told him I was sure it was negative and I couldn't stand to see another negative! When we got out to the car, I had a message on my phone from our friend. She felt really bad about how they told us and knew we had been trying longer and was sorry we had to find out that way, when we were not pregnant. I called her back and we both just cried! I told her that I was in no way unhappy that they had gotten pregnant and was so glad it didn't take them long, but it was just hard, cause I wondered when it was my turn. She understood and we even became closer than we already were in that moment! I told her about my wierd period and she told me I should take a test just so I know, and if something was wrong, I could get it taken care of. She was right...of course, and planned to take another negative test when I got home!
By the time we got to Fillmore, Tom still wasn't talking much and I told him to just pull over and I would take the test, get the negative answer and he could drive home with more of a clear head! He agreed so we went to the grocery store and they don't sell pregnancy tests in the grocery store in Fillmore, so they sent us to the drug store. We got there just before they closed and payed way too much money for the test! I didn't want to buy the test and go in their bathroom and take it cause I felt wierd about that, so we then went to a gas station!! I went in the bathroom and took the test and it went IMMEDIATELY positive! I just put my hand on my head and didn't know whether to laugh or cry! I waited the two minutes just to be sure I wasn't seeing things, and it wasn't gonna go back negative and it was just tricking me. It was still positive! I opened the door and Tom was standing there waiting. I just stood there with my hand on my head! He was like, "Well?!?" I shook my head yes cause I couldn't say anything! He was like, "No, way!!" Then I told him to look at the test! He took one look at it and turned around and walked out of the bathroom, out of the gas station and out to the car and got in without saying anything! At this time I had finally realized what was happening and couldn't stop smiling! I took some pics of the test and we left. We got on the freeway and Tom started to have a pretty bad panic attack! I told him to pull over so he did and took a few minutes to compose himself! He was happy but sooooo soooo scared! Me I was too excited for words!!
We called our parents and siblings! (Yup, we even called Kyle and Jane on their honeymoon...and they answered!!! They were glad we did!!!) We were waiting until our doctors appointment though before we posted anything!
I have been very sick! Lots of nausea and some vomiting! I just generally haven't felt good and my house shows it! It's been a little neglected lately! Thanks for my cute hubby for being so good to me and taking care of the laundry and dishes!!! Isn't he AMAZING!!!
Today was our first MD appointment! We didn't get to hear the heartbeat cause the doctor said it was too hard to hear this early, but we did get an ultrasound and got to see it's little heart beating! Tom was amazed and asking all kinds of questions and I just laid there and cried! It was so neat! It's heart is beating 173ish bpm and looks good! The size looks right for the gestational age! After we left there Tom was beaming as much as I was and wanted to call everyone we knew! He is really excited and feels like he doesn't need to be nervous now that we know that everything is okay thus far and it's real! It was a great visit and my next one is the Thursday before we leave for Australia and hopefully we will be able to hear the heartbeat that time!
The little white blob at the bottom of the black blob with the little plus signs around it is our baby!!! I think it's cute already but I am biased!!!
The heart and heartbeat! On the left the little white blob at the bottom of the darker blob is the heart close up. He was able to count the heartbeats on the right. The two plus signs measure two beats. Every time the wave goes up and down thats a beat!! The heartrate was 173ish!!!
He said our baby looked healthy and thats good news to this new mommy and daddy's ears!!!