Saturday, January 16, 2010
37 Weeks = Full Term and Mommy is READY!!
So we are excited that we have made it to 37 weeks and are officially full term! That means Jaycee can come at any time!! I know she won't come until the time is right, so I am praying for patience! All of you out there that think I am horrible for wanting her to come NOW, please don't judge! I am still very sick, and having lots of pain and contractions, that seem to be going nowhere, I am not getting any sleep(which I do realize won't change), feeling lots of pressure, and am working up until she's born! I am tired, exhausted, and sore, and probably a little ornery! I know that all you mom's out there felt the same way, and when you were to this point, you wanted to be done too!! I do realize that the more time she spends in there, the more she gets to grow and the better it could be, but believe me, I have done my homework and she would grow up just as healthy if she came now! I am praying for patience, and the Lord has blessed me! I am better than I was! I have been given many blessings that she will come when she is supposed to and she will be healthy! So, just so you all know, we are looking forward to Jaycee arriving! Mommy and Daddy are both very excited, as are Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles! We'll update all when the big day arrives!!