Thursday, January 28, 2010
Just kidding!
So I think Jaycee has a sick sense of humor all ready! Wednesday morning I was woken up by contractions at 2 am, but knew I had to go to work, cause I was the only nurse in our admit department! I couldn't sleep through them the rest of the night, so I got no rest. The contractions continued throughout the day and I had to leave work early! I got home and laid down for a while and was able to get a couple more hours of sleep. At about 6:30 pm I started to have regular contractions that were every 5 min apart and increasing in intensity. At about 8:30 they started getting closer and were continuing to increase in intensity. By about 9:00 they were every 3 min and still increasing! They continued at every 3 min and by 3:30 am I was having a lot of pain. Then they started to lessen in both intensity and they weren't as close together! They calmed down so much that I was actually able to get an hour of sleep before they woke me up again! I have continued to have contractions all day, but they are at random times, still increasing in intensity, but not regular at all! I had a MD appt today and I was only dialated to a 1 cm. He was planning on stripping my membranes today, but was unable to cause my cervix was still too closed! So we wait! Jaycee's Daddy and I were getting pretty excited last night thinking that our sweet little girl was for sure going to be joining us by today at least, and so were her grandparents, but the Lord has other plans! I am trying to be SO patient! It's hard, but I think I am doing better! Tom gave me an absolutely AMAZING blessing last night! We were both bawling by the end and there were some pretty amazing promises about our little girl! She is truly loved where she is now, and I can guarantee you she is already loved by us here!! We can't wait to meet her, but we want things to happen the right way! Please pray for us that this can happen soon and we can have our little girl here in our arms!