Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas and New Years

I know how late this post seems, but I tried to do it right after Christmas, but blogger was being stupid and I lost patience. So I let it go and figured we just wouldn't have a Christmas post. I can't sleep though, so I thought I might as well try again! We really did have a great Christmas. We got to go to Las Vegas and be with my family! It was Kyle's first Christmas since his mission and Jane's first Christmas in our family! That was a lot of fun! Last year my Grandma Thompson decided that she would go to one child's house every year for Christmas. She is starting with the oldest and working her way to the youngest. She went to Uncle Fenton's last year and my family's turn was this year! It was so much fun to have her there and be all together! On Christmas Eve we had a really fancy steak dinner that my parents was so yummy! We sang songs and read the Christmas story! The Spirit was so strong! We all went to bed and woke up Christmas morning to lots of good presents! It was great and we feel very blessed! Then we spent the rest of the weekend just being together! We got to go shoot Tom and Kyle's new guns on Saturday, which was a lot of fun!! Then we went to Macayo's for my birthday dinner! Yummy!! Sunday morning we got up bright and early cause our flight left at 6:15 am to come back home! I was so grateful we got to go!! Linda picked us up from the airport and we went to her house and slept!! Then we had our Christmas with her and Melinda! That was fun too and we got even more great stuff!

Our New Years was not so great! I ended up in Labor and Delivery with bad contractions, that we attribute to working to much and too long of hours! New Years Eve I was there for 14 hours and I was doing X-ray procedures a lot of the day! I had to wear those lead aprons, but I have to wear double since I am pregnant! New Years Day started in the X-ray room as well, wearing the lead! By the time I got to the ICU at about 8:30 that night to do another procedure, I think my body was saying, absolutely not!! You are done! No more! You need to rest! I started contracting, which was nothing new, but what was new, was I was laying down and drinking lots of water, and the contractions wouldn't quit. I was a little nervous cause I was only 34 weeks, almost 35. So Tom met me, and I had to call another nurse to take my call! My doctor said no more call, so that was the end of that! I calmed down more and more once I got to Labor and Delivery, and was able to go home a few hours later!

All in all though, our holiday's were good! Hope your's were just as good! Once again, sorry about the late post!!