Monday, October 25, 2010
7 months and on the move!
Jaycee's favorite thing this month is to pull herself up to everything and she started walking along the couch! She is still unsure of herself, but she is a little daredevil, so I expect her to try things as early as possible!! The same day she started walking along the couch she said "Dada" for the first time and then almost a week later actually said "Mama" like she was talking to me not like she was going mamamamamamamamama just to hear the sound of her voice! We had to put a big dinosaur toy in front of the dvd player and stuff in the living room and she is learning the meaning of no! I am so glad she's such a good girl and catches on fast cause disipline is not my favorite aspect of parenting, but I am firm with her and she really does know what no means! Just before her 8 month mark, she started standing on her own! Only for a couple of seconds, but she is not afraid to try new things! She is becoming more independent and can play in the living room for about 2 min while I am in the kitchen before coming to find me! She is my little buddy!