Monday, October 25, 2010

Our Jaycee Boo is 6 Whole Months!!

She is growing so much!

~She loves her See-n-say!
~She loves it when Mommy sings Primary songs, Itsy-Bitsy Spider and finally Patty Cake!
~She had meat for the first time and actually liked it!
~She started waving her arms around all over the place and inspecting her hands! It's so cute to watch her learn what she can do with this newly acquired human body!
~She reached for me the first time and I of course was in tears I was so excited!
~She got her first tooth! FINALLY!
~Because of this, she is not sleeping through the night like she had been!
~She learned to pull herself up to the furniture and she thinks she's so big!!

I can't believe she has been in our lives for a whole six months! It's incredible to me that we ever even lived without her! I am so grateful she is mine for eternity!!