OK this is getting out of hand. What makes these people so much better than anyone else??? Theyre just pissed off because THE MAJORITY HAS SPOKEN!!! But because the LDS church believed so strongly that same-sex marriage is wrong that they funded to have the bill pass.
So freakin what?? The amount of money spent on this campaign was in the millions of dollars. All of it donated to the cause. It just so happens that more than half the people who voted, voted against this gay marriage , so people can get over it. If the LDS church is hateful because they suceeded in helping the "family unit" stay afloat what does it make the pricks, who in spoiled brat fits of rage, shoot out windows and vandalize churches, tag peoples homes and cars, and justify it with "well mormons hated us first!!" Get real. When you act like that youre no better than the people you despise. The church is not out to persecute anyone. This was decided in a completely legal democratic process. They fought hard and you know what, they lost, so lets just move onto something else.