Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ok so I'm reading about all this bogus crap that being pushed onto the LDS church because they refuse to change their principles on this prop 8 thing. Good on 'em theyre one of the only organizations in the world that has not and will not change their stance on gay marriage. I commend them for it. The LDS church has taken the brunt of this frustration head on and stood their ground through a very difficult election. I've noticed that several other churches have caved under pressure and allowed the whole marriage thing to slide through based on who you love not what they are. People want a very unnatural thing and lifestyle to slide through as something that is natuaral and good............wrong. It's always been a different lifestyle and it appears that 52 percent of people want it to remain as so. This proposition doesn't discriminate and show hatred for anyone. It is just trying to sustain the few tattered shreds of the Family we are clinging onto, while trying to raise our children into good, respectable hard working people.

This boils down to all these people who pitch a fit when ever GOD is mentioned in politics. This country was founded on the principles of righteousness and goodness and honesty they have been starting political meetings and senate functions with a prayer ever since this country was first born. It's all fine and dandy to cry and whine everytime someone mentions god. But it's ok to try and teach 3rd graders about same-sex marriage?? If you dont' want god anywhere near your government you're in the wrong country and you're welcome, even encouraged to leave anytime.